Alexander Stadium |

State of the art scoreboard and sound system
Band Staff / Judge Lounge with food and drinks
Separate restrooms for spectators and bands
Designated bus / equipment parking area and portable toilet facilities.
Bus / Equipment truck parking is available on the campus,
behind the stadium. Spectator parking is north of the stadium and the high school.
Alexander Stadium is located on the Piqua High / Junior
High School campus at 1 Indian Trail in Piqua. (See campus parking map.)

If traveling south on I-75, take the County
Road 25-A exit (Paul Sherry Exit), turn left, continue on County Road 25-A to Looney Road traffic light. Turn
right and go to Indian Trail Rd. (electronic sign) and turn Left onto Indian Trail.
If traveling north from Dayton on I-75, go to County
Road 25-A exit 83. Turn right, go to next light at Looney Road. Follow The signs for parking. (See campus parking map.)

Bus Parking
Bus and Equipment Trucks will enter via Edison Community
College and proceed to the bus / truck parking area. Equipment Staging Area will be behind Piqua High
School on the Northeastern side entrance to the stadium. (See Campus Parking Map)